CSN Issue #1909 (March 20th, 2024)
Lurking from the depths of the Amazonian jungle comes the Creature from the Black Lagoon! Which DC Editor inspired the height & weight of KGBeast? Spotlight on the amazing Becky Cloonan. Daredevil’s “sleazy Tarzan”.
Lurking from the depths of the Amazonian jungle comes the Creature from the Black Lagoon! Which DC Editor inspired the height & weight of KGBeast? Spotlight on the amazing Becky Cloonan. Daredevil’s “sleazy Tarzan”.
Lurking from the depths of the Amazonian jungle comes the Creature from the Black Lagoon! Which DC Editor inspired the height & weight of KGBeast? Spotlight on the amazing Becky Cloonan. Daredevil’s “sleazy Tarzan”.